Tag: remove viruses

15 Must-Watch YouTube Videos for Computer Maintenance Tips and Tutorials

Over time, any number of technical problems can keep your PC or Mac from running as smoothly as it did when you first bought it. Files can accumulate and slow down processes, hardware can break down, and any number of problems can add up to system crash.

There are many tutorials and videos to choose from when looking for ways to perform computer maintenance, but these 15 YouTube videos are among the best for fixing anything from a blue screen error to a faulty mouse.…

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How to Improve PC Performance and Make Windows Run Faster

Sure your state-of-the-art computer looks shiny and fast when you first purchase it, but as always, it seems to get slower over time. You install anti-virus software and dozens of applications, download thousands of MP3 music files, and before you know it, your PC seems to respond extremely slow to every action you try to perform.

So how can you fix your system to get it running like new again? Here are some invaluable tips on how to improve performance and make Windows run faster on your PC again, without upgrading hardware!…

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