Month: March 2011

How To Back-Up Your Files and Data

Unfortunately, we never know what may happen to our computers and with windows 7, the question of how to back-up your files and data has become less of a question. The Windows/Microsoft back-up feature is a standard component of the product and can save time, money and headaches for windows 7 users.
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What Are The System Recovery Options In Windows 7?

Windows 7 provides several options for system recovery and each of them can be thought of as free computer maintenance since they are built-in to the windows 7 operating system. The system recovery options menu in Windows 7 contains tools that assist as your recover Windows 7 from a serious error. These system recovery tools can be used to repair files needed to start Windows 7, perform a system recovery of your entire computer and all files and can also be used to create a system recovery disk or set of files to be used in the future as a
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How To Prevent Low Memory Problems in Windows 7

Disk clean up and disk defrag procedures are often used in windows 7 to prevent low memory problems, and when used effectively these steps will help your computer perform more efficiently and effectively. When your computer does not have enough memory to accommodate all of the actions you would like to complete at one time, Windows 7 begins to slow down and some programs will stop working completely. The low memory warning from windows 7 should be thought of as free computer maintenance, as it tells you when there is a problem that needs to be corrected before it becomes
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How To Protect Your Computer From E-Mail Threats

If you regularly use email, you could be leaving your computer open to a multitude of threats. However, following some simple free computer maintenance tips can help you protect your computer from e-mail threats. Identity thieves, hackers, and other criminals use email to gain access to your personal information, so it’s important that you cut them off at the pass with these simple tips.
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What Are Cookies?

Cookies are text files that store useful information. Cookies can be used for authentication for certain websites, storing information about a shopping cart, storing user preferences, and many other things. The type of cookie defines its function:

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