Tag: computer maintenance

15 Must-Watch YouTube Videos for Computer Maintenance Tips and Tutorials

Over time, any number of technical problems can keep your PC or Mac from running as smoothly as it did when you first bought it. Files can accumulate and slow down processes, hardware can break down, and any number of problems can add up to system crash.

There are many tutorials and videos to choose from when looking for ways to perform computer maintenance, but these 15 YouTube videos are among the best for fixing anything from a blue screen error to a faulty mouse.…

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How to make your old computer run like new

As time goes on our computers become more and more cluttered from the demands we put on them.  New, old and removed programs can clutter your hard drive with unused files, and junk builds up as we use our PCs to explore the messy Internet.

In addition, the programs that once ran so well on your computer regularly get updated with new features that demand more from our computers than the previous versions. All of this can make a fairly new computer run like an old PC that has been through the ringer.  If your computer no longer runs like …

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Need a computer tune-up? Free computer maintenance makes a PC tune-up easy

Need a computer tune-up?Need a computer tune up? The best computer maintenance to get is free computer maintenance. PC maintenance can be a hassle, but luckily there are ways to perform a PC tune up with very little distress.

The tools necessary for free computer maintenance are already on your computer, which makes the entire process free of charge. Learn how to perform a free computer tune up and never pay for expensive tune up programs again.…

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5 Time-saving Windows 7 tips

Learning how to do things faster is a big part of life.  When you do things faster, often times it means you get more done.  And that does not exclude the time when you are using a computer.

Here are five time-saving Windows tips for those of you using Windows 7 to speed up your PC experience.…

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Make your computer faster: Maintenance tips to speed up your PC

A computer’s speed gradually slows down linearly with use as times goes on.  Registry libraries expand, hard drives fill up, nefarious files sneak in, and the gears of our computers are not grinding as fast as the day we opened the box or maybe have even come to a halt.

Like cars, they must  be maintained to ensure usability and efficiency.  Don’t worry, though, maintaining a computer is less time consuming and wallet consuming.  There must be computer maintenance, so here are some tips to make your computer faster and more furious.


Update. Make sure your operating system and …

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