Tag: create strong passwords

5 Tips for Setting a Windows Password

Windows 7 password tipsHaving a password on your Windows computer helps provide you with a more secure system so that no one can access your computer… unless you allow them to. Passwords are designed for security but choosing a difficult to guess yet easy to remember password is not so easy.

Passwords can easily be lost or forgotten which could potentially lock you out from your PC. With these five helpful tips in mind, you can keep a peaceful mind that your system is secure and that you can obtain your password in case it is lost or forgotten.

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How to choose strong passwords you can remember

As more and more of our lives become part of an electrical world and of the Internet, identity theft rises with it.  Many nefarious hackers and PC users try to access the online accounts of others with intentions of gaining access to valuable information such as credit card numbers.

For example, if someone is able to get the password to your facebook account, through that they can see much of your sensitive information. Even worse, if you have information on your facebook that could give away the password to your email account, it can become a real mess.  Through your …

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