Tag: Windows Firewall

Protecting your PC with a Firewall

Windows FirewallNo, a firewall is not something that can help save your computer from a hazardous fire. Rather, a firewall is a type of security software that monitors all data your PC receives through the Internet. Trusted data is allowed through, and potentially unsafe files are blocked from passing through to your computer.…

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3 Ways to Protect Your Computer From Internet Viruses

We’ve all heard about the unimaginable havoc that can be wreaked on a computer, including loss of important documents, photos, and other files. This is why it is so important to take precautionary measures to be prepared and keep your computer safe from viruses, malware, and other harmful internet threats.

If you follow our three steps to protecting your computer, you can rest assured that you are prepared in advance.…

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What Is A Firewall?

For centuries, the term “fire wall” implied an actual wall that was constructed with fire resistant material that would actually contain a fire to a certain location of a structure, vastly different from a Windows firewall or Microsoft firewall. The Internet brings people from around the world together through technology, but along with that unfortunately comes the risk of unwanted information exchange – usually known as phishing or hacking, and the need for a Windows firewall or a Microsoft firewall, in addition to an overall windows security.

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Windows 7 Security Checklist

Using a Windows 7 security checklist is a great way to ensure the maximum amount of protection while operating Windows 7. Windows firewall, Windows defender, and Windows updates are just a few of the useful features provided by Microsoft for Windows 7 users. Take advantage of this free protection by going through a checklist of vital Windows 7 security features.Learn About Windows 7 Security Checklist with Free Computer Maintenance

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How Windows Firewall Protects Your Computer

You’ve heard that you need virus protection and spyware protection for your computer, but the Windows Firewall may seem like overkill. It’s not. Because of the way computers work, you can never have too many protections on your system, provided they do not slow it down too much. While viruses and spyware help clean things from your computer that you have accidentally invited in, the firewall acts to keep things out, period.
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