image courtesy of flickr user: walknboston
Disk Defrag Optimizes Windows 7
Windows 7 may look different than Windows Vista or Windows XP but what goes on under the hood remains the same. Windows 7 still requires the use of your computer’s hard drive, RAM, and processor to function thus making it vulnerable to slow downs. During the course of your computer use while visiting websites or creating documents files are created, stored and deleted on your hard drive; a normal process. While you may think all this information is being stored efficiently (and for the most part it is) over time these files can be spread over different physical locations on your hard drive.
This is important in regards to free computer maintenance because the more time your hard drive spends looking for files is more time you as the user have to wait not only for the files to be located but then processed and presented to you visually. Disk Defrag, a part of free computer maintenance, fixes this problem but organizing your hard drives files as to create an optimized PC. Disk Defrag scans your computer’s hard drive and places similar files next to each other on your hard drive so they can be accessed for quickly which helps speed up your computer running Windows 7. Run Disk Defrag in Windows 7 and you will certainly notice the difference after your PC has been optimized.
Check Disk (CHKDSK) Optimizes Windows 7
Another part of free computer maintenance, Check Disk (CHKDSK) helps optimize your Windows 7 PC by scanning files and correcting errors on your hard drive. Your computer’s hard drive may be an amazing piece of technology but is not infallible. A hard drive is very similar to a floppy disk that achieved mass use and popularity in the 80s and 90s. The silicon sheathe stored information in tiny grooves which an actuator arm scanned over. The same premise is used in your computer’s hard drive but you a much larger scale. Just like errors occurred on floppy disks they also occur on your hard drive which makes free computer maintenance important.
Take care of your computer and use free computer maintenance to ensure help it run quickly. Running Disk Defrag and Check Disk (CHKDSK) as a part of free computer maintenance will help optimize your PC.