Author: Sandi Valentine

How To Protect Your Computer From E-Mail Threats

If you regularly use email, you could be leaving your computer open to a multitude of threats. However, following some simple free computer maintenance tips can help you protect your computer from e-mail threats. Identity thieves, hackers, and other criminals use email to gain access to your personal information, so it’s important that you cut them off at the pass with these simple tips.
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Computer Security Review

Have you ever turned on your computer, only to find that it runs slowly, pops up strange windows, or doesn’t want to run at all? Viruses, spyware, and malware can infiltrate your computer without your knowledge. For this reason, it’s important to regularly practice free computer maintenance tips. Our computer security tips can help you keep your computer running smoothly, if practiced regularly.
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How To Prevent Browser Attacks

It’s every computer users’ worst fear – you’re cruising along on the internet, minding your own business, when suddenly you become the victim of one of the millions of browser attacks that happens every year. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to protect yourself from browser and hacker attacks, using simple (and free) computer maintenance tips.
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Everything You Wanted To Know About Wireless Security

When installing a home wireless network, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the free computer maintenance tips available for wireless security. In reality, there are only a few simple tips you’ll need to secure your home wireless network. By putting them into action, you can prevent hacking attempts and unauthorized network access.
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Everything You Wanted to Know About Laptop Battery Life

Laptop battery life is incredibly important for computer users. If you regularly use your laptop while on the go, chances are you rely heavily on its battery. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a freelancer who depends on a computer for your income, it’s important to carefully maintain your computer to ensure the battery works properly and holds a charge. By following a few simple free computer maintenance tips, you can increase the life of your laptop and enjoy convenient, cordless computer use.
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